Friday, December 26, 2008


Finally after 3 am i have finished the twilight saga, and OMG i recommend it to anyone interested in reading a new series.. I'm a harry potter fan and when twilight came out i wasn't a big fan of it, (actually i didn't want to jump on the band wagon).. well after the movie started showing previews i decided right then and there that i wanted to follow this story, but didn't want to waste my money purchasing them and not liking them, so i borrowed the books for a neighbor in my dorm and begin reading the first book .. and fell in love once again... :)


花蓮蜂之鄉 said...


GL0 said...

wtf does the comment above me say??
lmao .. u got some stalkers dude?? haha

but i will DEFINITELY be hoppin on this band wagon .. a lil late, but can't wait to start readin!