Monday, March 2, 2009

Chruch Experience

Okay so one day I was at Church, while we were doing something for Black History Month, the pastor did not preach, but the Deacons did say many prayers... However moving on with my story. Throughout the entire service i was weepy from start till end, the children from the Church did a praise dance, as well as some of the older women... I'm telling you Gospel music can bring out those emotions that you try to hide. But it was towards the end of the service when the Pastor called those up who needed to be prayed for, or knew someone that needed to be prayed for, well my friend went up to the front and i stayed behind just praying for my family. The pastor begins going from person to person resting his hand on their head to say a short prayer when he stops turns around and says to the crowd "The lord is telling me that someone in this house of God needs the power to forgive some"... And there it was the tears just began to flow, because throughout that entire service i kept thinking to myself how I really have not forgiven my Ex(if that's what you want to call it) for the way our situation ended, and, by the pastor saying that i realized that If i can't forgive someone then how should i expect God to forgive me for my sins??? Deep moment for me yall, but while i was crying everything around me became silent, and i heard a faint voice tell me that someone was comming for me, and just to hold on...

I am truly blessed.

1 Comment:

GL0 said...

VERY true!
gospel music touches you in ways other genres dont.